Casearia coriacea is a shrub or small tree reaching 7-8 meters in height, which has a reddish-brown bark, with numerous lenticels. The young branches form a zigzag pattern and its leaves are variable in form, size and texture; more or less oval, oboval, elliptical or oblong in shape and obtuse or rounded at the tip. Inflorescence is in close clusters with 3- 6 flowers and are axillary. The flowers are greenish white and produce oblong or conical fruit which are 1.5 to 2.5 cm long and 0.8 cm in diameter. The flowering season is from November to March and the fruit season extends from May to June.
This species is still common in our forests and can be seen in the intermediate to humid forests, it forms part of the understory native vegetation. The fruit are dispersed by birds and seedlings of this species can be easily seen in the wild.
The plants are considered ‘Vulnerable’ on the IUCN Red List and is being used in forest restoration projects. Despite being abundant, it is still declining due to habitat loss caused by the invasion of exotic species.
This species was recorded by Ventilago Gaertner in 1808.