Pterois antennata, of the order of Scorpaeniformes (Scorpionfishes and flatheads) and family of Scorpaenidae (Scorpionfishes or rockfishes) is commonly known as the Broadbarred Lionfish, Banded Lionfish, Broadbarred Firefish, Ragged-finned Firefish, Ragged-finned Scorpionfish and Rough-scaled Firefish, Spotfin Lionfish. The overall body is of a tan to red colour with dark barks on the body. Their median fins are scattered with dark spots. There is a tentacle above the eye which is long with dark bans. Adults have bluish to black blotches near the base of the pectoral fin. It has a total of 13 dorsal spines, 11 to 12 dorsal soft rays, 3 anal spines and 6 anal soft rays. This species can reach a maximum recorded length of 20cm[1].
This species is present across the Indo-Pacific region. It is found near reefs. The recorded depth range is between 2 to 76m. Their diet consists of shrimp and crabs. During the day this species hides under rocks and crevices. It becomes active at night and hunts its preys.
According to the IUCN Red list, this species is categorised as being of ‘Least Concern’ as it is common and widespread with no major threats. It is collected for aquarium trade and subsistence fisheries but there seems to be no impacts on global population. No conservation measures are in place for this species. It is present in many MPAs though[1].