Woody and climbing plant, 20 m long, with gray bark. Its leaves are opposite, broadly lanceolate and acuminate at the top. Fragrant, orange-red flowers are located on primary branches and it produces small fruit of yellowish green colour.
This endemic liana to the Mascarenes is commonly found in both intermediate and upland forests. This liana usually grows on native plants and forms a shrub. The flowers are pollinated by flies and geckos and it produces many seeds.
D fragrans is classified as ‘Vulnerable’ on the IUCN Red List. The population is declining due to habitat loss and the invasion of exotic creepers. It is propagated in nurseries for forest restoration projects.
The colour of the young shoots, leaves, flowers and fruit are yellowish-orange, hence the common name ‘liane jaune’
It is a well-known medicinal plant; the bark is used to treat skin infections.
The first plant sample was collected by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in 1786.